If you’ve visited this blog before, you know I’m a massive fan of people packing up and moving to Columbus. To me, it’s not a matter of having the space or the infrastructure. If your heart is calling you here, we’ll make room.
Of course, like any great city, Columbus has its quirks. I’ve been a resident and realtor here for a hot minute, so I’m very familiar with what makes us tick. If you’re considering a move and want to start making friends from day one, here are the ins and outs you should know (that only a Buckeye can tell you):
- We get all four seasons… sometimes all in one day! If you’re easily bored, you’ll love Columbus skies.
- Predicting nature goes a little something like this: “Knee-high by the 4th of July” and “Three snows after the forsythia blooms.” It’s best if you forget about the weather channel and dress for freak snowstorms.
- We have three levels of snow emergencies. At Level 1, roadways are hazardous. By Level 3, roadways are straight-up closed. (I recommend having hot cocoa and a good movie on hand at all times.)
- When someone yells “O-H,” throw caution and social awareness to the wind. It is now your turn to yell back, “I-O!”
- Your eyes do not deceive you. We really do have an office building that looks like a giant picnic basket on Route 16.
- Buckeyes can refer to any number of things, including the Ohio state tree, our college football team, and our favorite chocolate/peanut butter candy (truly a gift from heaven, by the way).
- Speaking of football, “The Shoe” is a proper noun here, and it’s where our beloved Buckeyes play. Oh, and it’s scarlet, not red. And it’s The Ohio State University. (Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.)
- “Ohio” can be spelled with your arms. Better yet, it can be spelled with three friends. And you must take a picture of this on every vacation for the rest of your life.
- We like to shoot off a cannon during Blue Jackets games. (Yes, indoors!)
- The orange construction barrel is our state mascot. (What did I tell you? If you want to come here, we’ll make space!)
- We love pumpkins so much that we hold a Pumpkin Show every autumn in Circleville (which we lovingly refer to as “Round Town”).
- A “skull session” has nothing to do with your cranium. It’s a must-do before OSU games with TBDBITL (The Best Damn Band In The Land). I’ll let you experience that one for yourself.
- We like to complicate our words. For instance, “Pataskala” is pronounced “Puh-task-ah-la.” You’ll get the hang of it after a spell (pun intended).
- People here are so friendly. They genuinely want to get to know you. When they ask how you’re doing, please do answer them honestly!
- The food here is *chef’s kiss.* Not only did Columbus invent much of the fast food you know and love, but we’re also home to excellent chicken, sausage, pizza, donuts, and fresh produce. Because balance.
- Ohio is the only state in the union that doesn’t have a “normal” flag. Instead, we have something called a burgee. It’s a triangular, swallowtail flag.
- There is no “soda” here. Only “pop.”
- We have a lot of nicknames, including “Cbus,” “Cowtown,” and “Arch City.” But all of them refer to this beautiful place I call home.
Columbus certainly has its quirks, and if you don’t appreciate snow, it may not be the prime location for you. But if you crave community and a city-wide sense of togetherness—welcome. I think you’re going to love it here.